Secrets Of A Lasting Marriage![]() Price: From £3.99 (ebook)
Most marriages fail today because of a lack of understanding of what marriage is and how it is designed to function. In this book, you will discover 7 foundational ‘secrets’ that will help you develop a biblical framework to navigate the tough terrain of marriage life. If you embrace them, you will learn to: · Be guided by the primary purpose of your marriage... Stress No More - 20 Healthy Ways...![]() Price: From £3.99 (ebook)
Human beings were not designed to carry tons of stress and anxiety. That’s because stress and anxiety make us sick, weak, fatigued, unfocused and unproductive. When we are stressed, we say and do dumb things, and our chances of excelling in life are reduced. Unfortunately, this happens to too many people in our society today; but it doesn’t have to be that way with you. In this book you will learn how to neutralise stress, anxiety & worry by: Changing the way you see your relationships... How to Build a Rock Solid Marriage – Choices That Will Give You the Marriage of Your Dreams![]() Price: From £4.99 (ebook)
Good marriages don’t just happen. In every marriage, there are mindsets that need to be corrected, choices that need to be made, commitments that need to be embraced, and actions that need to be modified. In 'How to Build a Rock Solid Marriage', Tony Peters will help you make some of those crucial choices. Maximising Your Season of Singleness – Using Your Season of Singleness to Prepare for Marriage![]() Price: From £3.99 (ebook)
This book was written for Single people of all ages who want to lay a good foundation for a future Rock Solid Marriage. In it, Tony Peters will teach you: • Why and how to prepare yourself for the marriage you’ve always wanted • What to do to mature and to... How to Rescue Your Marriage from Breaking Up – Avoiding the Ten Major Relationship Killers![]() Price: From £1.99 (ebook)
It is one thing to protect your marriage from outside forces, over which you have little control; but it is quite another thing to protect your marriage from ‘inward’ mindsets, attitude and behaviour, over which you do have substantial control. In this simple and concise book, Tony Peters will show you how to identify and avoid...
20 Amazing Facts About Sex - The Media Would Not Share With You![]() Price: From £4.99 (ebook)
This is an unpadded, no-nonsense book about the foolishness of a sexually perverted philosophy of life. In this frank and forthright book, Tony Peters exposes 21 important facts about sex in our culture that Hollywood, the Media, the Pharmaceutical Companies, and the Gatekeepers of our Educational system don’t warn vulnerable young people and parents about. Seven Tools Your Children Should Not Leave Home Without
![]() Price: From £3.99 (ebook)
Our children are leaving home without the life-tools they need to make it in a complicated and often confusing world. In this book, you will learn how to help your children develop seven crucial virtues, values and mind-sets that will equip them to excel and succeed – as they deal with the complexities of growing up in a negative and God-rejecting world. Keeping God At The Centre Of Your Marriage – Simple Ways To Keep God At The Centre Of Your Relationship![]() Price: From £1.99 (ebook)
Marriage can never be as strong as it was designed to be if God is not seen as an integral part of the union. In this concise marriage book, Tony Peters shows you seven crucial things you can do consistently to keep God and His grace at the centre of your marriage relationship and home... Ten Keys to Effective Communication in Marriage - Mastering the Art of Good Communication![]() Price: From £1.99 (ebook)
Communication is a tool we’ve been given to share our thoughts, concerns and dreams in an unselfish manner with the people we love. It is also the lifeline of any relationship. In this simple and straight-to-the-point book, Tony Peters - a Marriage Counselor and Christian Life Coach... Find Your Soul Mate The Godly Way - And Say Goodbye to the Dating Game![]() Price: From £1.99 (ebook)
In this concise, no-frills book, you will be taking another look at what much of modern dating is really all about; how it affects you and the person you are dating; and what the consequences of certain mindsets and actions are likely to be. Tony Peters provides you with a number of critical questions and tests to help you decide whether you are ready for a life-long... Why Can't We Talk About It? - 4 Practical Steps to Help Reduce Misunderstandings...![]() Price: From £0.99 (ebook)
There are many reasons why communicating can be a painful chore and an uphill struggle. Obviously, no one in his or her right mind likes pain, so we build a protective shield around ourselves and avoid talking. Well, things can truly be different. This little booklet would help you to explore a new way... |