5 Truths That Give You Perspective In Marriage![]() Here are five truths I teach people to help them see some aspects of their married life in perspective. If you embrace them and let them form the grid through which you evaluate the... Read full Article.
Principles of Effective Communication...![]() Communication is the tool we have been given to share our thoughts, concerns and dreams in an unselfish manner with our loved ones. It is the lifeline of any relationship and it is the bridge that connects your heart to the heart of the one you... Read full Article.
Meeting Your Spouses Needs![]() Scores of surveys have been carried out on men and women over the past six decades or so to find out what our deeply felt needs are. Without boring you with pages of statistical information, and before we look at the most popularly expressed...
Read the full Article. 5 Stages of Marriage![]() Have you ever wondered: Why is our relationship so hard? Things were so perfect when we first met - what happened? Most likely, the answer is that you’ve left the first stage of your relationship, and have moved into another. Read the full Article here.
8 Healthy Reasons to Get Married![]() Just as people get married for unhealthy reasons, there are healthy reasons to get married too. Ask yourself whether these are some of your main reasons for wanting to get married. If they are, your motives are on the right track. If they are not, I want you to make... Read Full Article.
Adjusting to the Uniqueness of your Spouse...![]() You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvellous – and how... Read full Article.
Money Matters for Young People![]() A lot of parents make the mistake of shielding their children from money matters because they think their children are too young, or because they do not want their children knowing about the finances of the household. Read the full Article here.
Don't Be Ashamed To Get Help![]() A lot of parents make the mistake of shielding their children from money matters because they think their children are too young, or because they do not want their children knowing about the finances of the household. Read the full Article here.